Contents - Index



DX Spot band-changes now occur straight away.

Changed Thread Routines to Tasks.

Improved Async Connection handling.

Re-write of City Weather loading routines.

Logger Feed now available from these Loggers:

DXLog, Ham Radio Deluxe, LOG4OM, N1MM, N3FJP, WriteLog.

Re-write of Logger Feed Log Export Routine.

UDP Simulator renamed to Contest Simulator. Shortcut 'CS'.

Contest Simulator uses either UDP or TCP interface.

Kepler Download changed to new links and method.

Improved Satellite Selection and Pass-List.


I had loaded the DX Spots at a fixed interval of 15 minutes, but that was not very useful if someone changed the type of Spots that they wanted to see, and then had to wait 15 minutes to see the result! Now, any change in Spot-Type will request an immediate reload.


I did a bit of 'behind the scenes' work, resulting in better efficiency. One of these was to move from Threads to Tasks. Another was to improve how I handled Async Connections.


I re-wrote the City Weather loading routines, making them work consecutively rather than asynchronously, and ending the dreaded 'Database In Use' errors.


A lot of work was put into Logger compatibility, so that a variety of loggers could output a QSO and see it plotted on the 'Time Mapper UHD' map via the 'Logger Feed' map-layer. I had originally just provided code for the N1MM logger, but other logger-users wanted to join the fun too. The problem was that they don't all output their QSO details in the same format (why not?!) and some even used a different link-method: TCP rather than UDP. Once the new code was written and tested, I then wanted to make sure that the 'Contest Simulator' could also output it's test-QSOs in the same format.


When you utilise data from external sources, there is always the chance that the provider will change their feed, and I may not notice until some errors are reported. Such was the case with the provider of the satellite 'Two-Line Elements', which are used to determine the positions of all the satellites. They were having problems from over-downloading, so cut off their old downloads. Luckily for me, and for many other software creators, they then provided the data in a new format, which I was able to cope with. At the same time, I re-wrote the way that the satellite is selected and parameterized.