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Click the 'Help > Options' menu-subitem to open the 'Options' window. Whilst the Options window is showing, the main-programme window is hidden. It will be refreshed and re-shown when the Options window is closed.

Note that it might take a few seconds after closing the Options window before the main-programme window reappears. This is quite normal.

The Options window has a number of tab-pages on its top line. Each of these pages group together a number of option-selectors with similar functions. The tab-pages are: Mapping, Markers, POI Markers, Bands, Overlays, and Colours.

At the bottom of the Options window are a number of buttons: Save, Reset, Default, and Cancel. Their functions are:

Save: Will save all of the options with values as currently set in the Options tab-pages, and then refresh and show the main-programme window.

Reset: Will reset all of the options in the Options tab-pages with values as they were when the Options window was initially displayed.

Default: Will reset all of the options in the Options tab-pages with default programme values. Note that your stored User Details and Great Circle Map-choice will also be reset.

Cancel: Will close the Options window, and then refresh and show the main-programme window. Any changes made in the Options tab-pages are discarded.