Contents - Index

Plot Unconfirmed QSOs with this Grid Square on a Selected Band

Right-click a line in the 'Grid Squares' table and select 'Plot QSOs with this Grid Square on All Bands and QSL=Y in Main Log' from the context-menu to plot all unconfirmed QSOs in the Main Log that are located within that grid square and were worked on a selected band. Each QSO will be plotted as a Marker on the Online and Overlay maps, and the relevant QSOs will be shown in the Main Log table. Different markers are used for each band (1-6). The markers used to plot each band can be seen, and changed, by clicking 'Help > Options > Bands'. There are 37 different types of markers available.

You can right-click a Marker on the map and then choose a table from the context-menu to perform a Spatial Query that uses that marker's position to reference each entity in the chosen table, and sort that table by distance and bearing from the marker. The result will be shown in the 'Tables' page.

Note that the Grid Squares table and plotting facilities are only available during the Trial Period, and if the programme is subsequently registered with an 'Advanced' licence. You can always upgrade a 'Standard' licence if you wish to enable Main and Auxiliary Log storage and plotting.