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Ham Radio > IARU Regions


Vector > Ham Radio > IARU Regions


Data Source: ITU > Radio-Regulations





This layer shows the borders for the International Amateur Radio Union Regions. The definitions for the IARU Regions can be found in the ITU 'Radio Regulations' manual of articles, edition of 2020, RR-2020-00013-Vol.I-EA5.pdf sections 5.2 to 5.9. The region border definitions are a little unusual in that some of the lines are specified as Great Circle arcs between points, rather than straight lines. I can only assume that they were initially demarcated by someone who was using a globe. This makes them rather difficult to draw on a non-projected map, such as the above, without suitable software.


I noted one possible error in the definitions: the line that extends along the 60 degree East meridian puts Mauritius (3B8) at 57.59E,20.28S and Rodriguez Island (3B9) at 63.42E,19.71S in different regions, which may not be the original intention. I would suggest that the line should be moved to 65E. I have mentioned this to the IARU Secretary.



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