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Physical > OpenLocationCode


Vector > Physical > OpenLocationCode





Many people use Plus Codes, also know as OpenLocationCodes, as a simple way to share a location anywhere on the surface of the planet. Even where there are no street names, or even no streets, you can still find a location at a range of precisions, by knowing the specific 8-character string of numbers and letters.


The first level of precision requires just 2 characters, and identifies an area with size 20° x 20°, or approximately 2200 x 2200 Km. Codes with less than 8 characters are padded with zeros: 6P000000+ though shown on this Map Layer with just 2 characters, for clarity.


Subsequent levels of precision identify areas as follows:

4 chrs 1° x 1° 110 x 110 Km 6PH50000+
6 chrs 0.05° x 0.05° 5.5 x 5.5 Km 6PH57V00+
8 chrs 0.0025° x 0.0025° 275 x 275 m 6PH57VP3+
10 chrs 0.000125° x 0.000125° 14 x 14 m 6PH57VP3+PR


This Map Layer shows the grid of lines at the first level of precision, with optional labels for the 2-character values.


The 'Additional Layer Features' control on the 'Layers Menu' gives you the option to re-position the 2-character Label text to a specific region of the grid: Center, Top Left, Bottom Left, Top Right, Bottom Right.


This Map Layer is a Vector Layer composed of Lines and Labels, so the Style for each of these can be changed as desired by opening the 'Layers Menu', clicking the wanted layer on the left, then clicking the relevant panel controls on the right.