
User Details


The 'User Details' page has two sub-panels: 'My Home Details', and 'UDP Connection Details'.


In the 'My Home Details' panel you can set your callsign or name, and your home location, in latitude and longitude. Please use positive values of decimal degrees, and set the correct quadrant: North or South, East or West. Two decimal-places of accuracy is adequate for the scales that this program uses. If you don't know your position in decimal degrees, find your house on a Google Map, then right-click the map and choose 'What's Here?'.


The home location is also used to choose the map that is first shown when the program starts, or when the Options have been changed. If the home location is located within a U.S. state, a map of that state's counties will be show. Otherwise, a map of U.S. states will be shown.



In the 'UDP Connection Details' panel you can set the IP Address and Port number that the program will use to receive QSO data from an external logger when you are using 'External Logger' mode to automatically fill in counties or states on a map as they are contacted in

a contest. Don't worry if you don't know what these mean: the default values of '' and '12060' should be fine. For more information, see the 'External Logger Mode' help-topic.