GOM - the Global Overlay Mapping System

Layer Notes - CQ Zones

The CQ Zone overlay shows how the world has been divided into 40 regions by CQ magazine. This zone system is the most popular one amongst Radio Amateurs, and is used in many contests and operating awards. The positional data has been obtained from a number of sources, as the main list of CQ Zone Definitions has a suprising number of inaccuracies in it, despite various emails by the author to the CQ offices. There are also one or two disputes as to the correct location of various entities, for example whether BY9A-BY9F is in Zone 23 or 24 - something CQ and the Chinese authorities cannot presently agree on. As this and other issues are resolved, the updated overlays will be made available for download. For more information, see the Updates page. However, the information currently on each of the CQ Zone overlays is believed to be the most accurate of any map presently available.

Note that any list of regions is normally composed of the countries represented, so therefore any lines across sea or ocean are generally representational, and should not be regarded as strictly definitive.

A free world map of all CQ Zones is available from the EI8IC website by clicking Here.