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Online Mapping Options

Mapping > Online Mapping Options > Choose type of Map Provider
By default, the map-provider used to supply the Online map that is shown in the 'Online Mapping' page is Bing, as I have found that to be the quickest and most reliable. You can change this, if you wish, with the 'Mapping > Online Mapping Options > Choose type of Map Provider' selector. Some map-providers may not work all of the time, or have the same zoom-levels available, but they are there for you to experiment with.

Mapping > Online Mapping Options > Select Distance Units
When Spatial Queries are performed or distances calculated, the results will be returned in the distance units that are selected here. The same distance units are also applied to the Online Mapping scale-bar, in the top left corner of the Online Map. You can choose which distance units you prefer from Kilometres, Statute Miles, or Nautical Miles.

Mapping > Online Mapping Options > Show Map Scale-Bar
The Online Map can optionally show a scale bar in its top left corner. You can choose whether or not this scale bar is displayed by checking or clearing the check-box here.

Mapping > Online and Overlay Mapping Options > Show Map Mouse-Position
The Online and Overlay Maps can optionally show a small box adjacent to the cursor, that contains the current latitude/longitude position of the cursor when over a map. In addition, when the mouse hovers over a marker or polygon, the box text will change to show the name of that entity. You can choose whether or not this Mouse-Position box is displayed by checking or clearing the check-box here. Please note that markers on the Online map use a different tooltip system, and will continue to show an information-bubble even if the Mouse-Position box is hidden.