Contents - Index

Browse Non-Geocoded Corrections

Once corrections have been made to the Non-Geocoded Results, they can be browsed by clicking this menu-suboption. It will display a table of all the current corrections made so far, with columns showing the original values from the Spectra dataset, and the corrected values. The 'State' values are included for your information and reference: they can not be altered.

If you decide that a correction is not correct, you can right-click it, and choose 'Remove Correction'. It will then be returned to the 'Non-Geocoded Results' list, where you can change it again, if you wish.

If you would like to use a correction-value elsewhere, then right-click the line and choose 'Copy to Clipboard'. The relevant line is then copied to the system-clipboard, and you can utilise the data by Pasting in 'All Programs > Accessories > Notepad' or any other programme that accepts copied text.